Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements
Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements

, something like 197 lines), paste it, overwriting the similar video part (likely fewer lines) of XML-FCP.ġ0) Change paths of audio files in XML-FCP to those in XML-SBP. In Notepad++ (this is where you need to be especially attentive!):ĩ) Copy top part of XML-SBP (from the top and the whole video part down to and incl. Because of (3): MAKE SURE ALL FILES ARE THERE!!! (Look in “audio” folder in the project and compare with AAF folder).Ĩ ) “File > Confirmation > Export Project…” - export Confirmation XML (“XML-SBP”). “Import Sound Clips…” (Choose all sound files from the AAF (click on top one, shift-click on bottom one), current track, first frame).ħ) Save the project. It will have just one empty panel.Ħ) Import all sound files onto one track.


  • “File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML…” (I call this “XML-FCP”).ĥ) Make a dummy SBP project with the same framerate as your final project.
  • toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements

  • Check the clips for fades/dissolves and other effects and remove these, as these clips will not be conformed but removed in SBP later!.
  • Set the timeline TC to start at 00:00:00:00 and move all sound so the first frame coincides with the start of your SBP project.
  • Check the framerate, as Premiere can be strange about that.
  • Import the received AAF into a Premiere project.
  • Now, fear not, this whole thing need not take more than 5 minutes or so!

    toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements

    My system is Windows-based, and for this I use SBP5, Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.2 and Notepad++ which is a practical, free text editor.

    toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements

    The idea is that you receive files prepared by the sound studio, using their original takes in a non-embedded AAF, then work with these in SBP, with as end result a return AAF that the sound studio can use to conform your edits made in SBP, saving a lot of double work (and keeping the original quality/bitrate, as well). I have previously requested addition of AAF import into Storyboard Pro (SBP), and now I finally figured a workaround, which I would like to share with you.

    Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 requirements